
 Easy to Use Every Day, Yet Powerful Enough to Do the Job


We realize grants managment is something you do every day, so we have worked hard to make Censeo intuitive and easy to use. Censeo is built around logical workflows and processes, but allows you to move between functions at will. Learn More…

The Complete Grants Cycle

Censeo is a start-to-finish system, covering your grants process from vendor application through to program reconciliaion. In fact, it goes beyond with extensive measurement and evaluation functions. Learn More…

A Proven System and a New Name

Censeo is a new name in the game, but our system is not a newcomer. The flow and fuctionality of Censeo have been developed by the Micron Group over the last decade. That means the system is well refined and tested. We continue to develop and improve to ensure Censeo will serve you well for a long time to come. Learn More…


Our Team Has Over a Decade’s Experience in Grants Management Systems

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  • 15+ Years in Clinical & Lab Data Management
  • Extensive Pharma Experience
  • 10+ Years in Request Management

With over 15 years experience in clinical and laboratory data management, data cleaning and data delivery within the heavily regulated Pharmaceutical environment, and 10+ years experience specifically in request management, Micron is perfectly placed to handle your request management needs. Micron has provided numerous custom web-based solutions to manage and report client data. We were listed in the Sunday Times “Tech Track 100.”  Transparency and traceability of data and processes are the cornerstones of Micron’s design ethos to ensure clients can be confident on the quality of the data they receive when making those important business decisions.

Visit the Micron Group website.


Next Steps? How About a Test Drive…
Seeing is Believing!

We are confident that once you try Censeo,
you’ll agree it is an ideal grants management solution!

Or call: 303-250-3056